Ryan Carter Named Week 2 Player of the Week

With 36 points, 4 rebounds, and 4 assists in the 1949 victory over Undisputed, the week 2 Player Of The Week is Ryan Carter. Marching to the free throw line time and time again, Carter β€” no stranger to POTW honors after some impressive performances last summer with Pandas β€” showed every intention of picking up where he left off… and improving his team’s outlook, as well.

1949 is a brand new team to the Drew, but is already demonstrating the sort of cohesion and chemistry ordinarily displayed by teams that have been playing together for multiple seasons. It all starts with Carter, who has taken on a more team-centered approach to his game despite remaining 1949’s lead scorer. He’s proven himself to be a more willing passer, becoming more of a leader and playmaker β€” as evidenced by 1949 having four other players in double digits by the end of the game. If this trend continues, the hot-shooting Carter β€” aka Hezigod β€” may be able to etch his name in the Drew League history books.

πŸ“ @aaronsmarter
